The Simple Technique to Skyrocket LinkedIn Profile Visibility
There's a way to significantly increase your LinkedIn profile views that many people don't know about, and it's really easy…
➡ We know that the algorithm, even with the recent changes, still loves comments.
➡ Comments will boost you up in profile views.
🎯 What I don't think people take advantage of often enough, is commenting on company posts - in particular when the company has a lot of followers but doesn't get many comments on their posts.
➡ What does this mean? How will this help you?
🎯It means that tons (sometimes millions) of people will see your comments, because they follow that company.
So how to find these companies?
➡ Easy, you're probably already following some. Just comment.
➡ If not, follow companies that are doing similar work that you're doing, companies where you'd love to work (that's a no-brainer), companies whose products you love, etc. Follow companies where it's easy for you to comment.
Need some examples?
➡ Accenture - 11M followers and 9 comments on a recent post.
➡ Deloitte - 13M followers and 0 comments on a recent post.
➡ Pfizer - 5.5M followers and 0 comments on a recent post.
➡ Johnson & Johnson - 8.8M followers and 3 comments on a recent post.
➡ Bill & Melinda Gates Fdn - 1.1M followers and 9 comments on a recent post.
➡ MacArthur Fdn - 100K followers and 0 comments on a recent post.
🎯 The best part? You're helping the company/org too. You're bringing more eyes to their posts and your own profile at the same time, so you can grow your network. Win/win.
🎯 Need help with your job search? I’d love to talk with you. I’ve been an Executive Résumé Writer for 7 years and I know what works. Here’s how to get more info:
➡️ Executives and mid-career leaders seeking an executive role, who want a full 100% done-for-you résumé and LinkedIn profile, book a call with me here to talk about my executive packages.
➡️ Interested in stand-alone editing services for the résumé or LinkedIn profile? These services will help you communicate your strengths and optimize your profile for recruiter searches.
Curious and want to learn more but not ready to book? Follow or connect with me on LinkedIn and message me with questions.
I’m here to help.