Shattering Limiting Beliefs for Women's Salary Negotiation

The aspect I love most about my work is helping to build women's confidence so they can ask for the salary they deserve and have earned, whether that's $150K, $250K, or more.

It's devastating that "the wage gap for women is widening, with base pay expectations climbing to $86,259 for men and slipping to $59,543 for women," but based on what I hear from clients, I'm not surprised.

I consistently talk with women who believe that in order to change their job or switch industries, they need to either take a pay cut or make a lateral move. And all of them are crushing it at work.

Women at every salary level (in my opinion) have this belief.

So when I hear, "I can take a pay cut to switch industries" or "I can do a lateral move" what I tell them is, No.

What I tell them is, I don't ever hear this from men.

It's a limiting belief.

And it's part of the reason why (as one example) just 6.4% of the S&P 500 companies' CEOs are women.

We've got to start expecting and asking for more.

You don't need to accept a lower salary for a new job or to switch industries.

Instead, whenever you switch roles, you should be advocating for a raise.

Your strengths, talents, experience, and expertise, your leadership and what you bring to the table, have value.

What you're accomplishing in your current role has value.

Your time has value.

Your ideas have value.

And we deserve to be paid for that value, for what we bring to employers.

We've got to work on building this confidence internally - help women around us build this confidence - pay women appropriately for their work - and model it for the women who come after us.

#salary #wagegap #womenatwork


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